If this is your first time sitting for IGCSE exams, there are numerous things that you need to know in advance to prevent panic attacks on the examination day! To be honest, the entire exercise of going to the examination hall, writing your exam, and coming back, this procedure may seem like a piece of cake, but it's not that easy like your normal school exams.
Each step has different requirements and you must be aware of them. In this article, you'll know about the steps and requirements you need to fulfill on the exam day before you finally write your exam and happily come out of the examination hall!
1-Documents you must have
Before you head out to your examination center, you'll need certain documents. Otherwise, you won't be granted entry. These documents include :
Passport/CNIC/Smart Card: If you are a foreigner and appearing for IGCSE in a country where you are "non-native", you need to have your valid passport with you. CNIC Card is required if you are above eighteen (18) and you are appearing from your "native" country, a valid CNIC is what you must have.
Smart Card is needed if you are appearing for IGCSE from your "native country" and you are below eighteen (18), you need an authentic Smart Card (which is a Pre-CNIC card for below 18 lads).
Statement of entry: This is an official paper that your school (or British council) provides. It has your name, center number, ID number, subjects and it is just used as a confirmation of your identity and the exams you'd appear for.
2-Types of allowed stationary
You've heard your teachers saying during the exams "make sure to have extra pens, pencils, erasers, etc". This is pretty much self-explanatory. But, what you don't know is what specific type of stationery is allowed and how you are supposed to carry it!
Calculators: Based on the recent policies of Cambridge, it is ideal to use calculators such as "Casio 991 EX". Carrying other types might be dubious. I used the same for IGCSE exams as it is objection-free. You may want to carry more than one calculator in the case of power off.
Pencils/Pens: Talking about pencils, you are allowed to carry "HB or 2-HB" pencils. You are mandatory to answer MCQs paper with these pencils (not pens). If you use pencils other than these given TYPES, it would create trouble. This is because the bubble sheet (in the MCQs paper) would ONLY scan your answers if they are answered with the HB Or 2-HB type.
But make sure, once you start solving your MCQs paper with HB pencil, then DON'T switch to 2-HB pencil in the middle of your paper! In other words, when you are using one TYPE of pencil in MCQs paper, then keep the TYPE the same as the rest of the paper.
For pens, it's recommended to carry ball-points instead of pointers because writing with pointers often leaves ink-marks on another side of your paper, which you don't want.
Stationery box: You are not allowed to bring your "Barbie/ Superman" style stationery box. You are ONLY allowed to bring a transparent stationery box that is see-through.
If you bring any non-transparent stationery box, your items in it will be handed over to you and your stationery box will be taken before you enter the examination hall. It would create a mess as you have to carry all that bulk of pens or pencils in your hand; making it annoying to handle them side-by-side with your exam.
3-Arriving at the examination venue
Since the COVID protocols are still being followed, you have to expect delays. So, you must arrive 2 around hours before the exam starts. 2 hours might sound like a huge time to spend, but seriously, you are not alone. There are hundreds of students and managing social distancing, checking body temperature,s and sanitizing takes some serious time.
4-At the examination hall:
Given that the above processes are followed accurately without any hurdle, you finally end up in the examination hall. You sit according to your seat. You are given your paper 5 minutes before the exam, but it is placed upside down and you are STRICTLY prohibited to turn it over before the invigilators tell.
If you have digital or mechanical watches, they would take those from you as there are numerous wall clocks in the hall. If you need water, the invigilators would provide you, but don't get up from your seat. When the time is up, place down your pens/pencils. If you keep on writing, most probably, your paper would be canceled & SOE will be taken
5-Coming out of examination hall:
After completing your exam, you might have to stay approximately extra 45 minutes before you can leave because of social distancing and COVID protocols, so be patient.
VERDICT: It would be better for you to make a checklist of the required stuff mentioned so can tally easily. Most of the students are busy preparing till the last moment and never consider how important it is to prepare your official documents before the exams. I'd recommend you all gather these required documents several days before the exam to avoid panicking on exam.
Also, make sure you have a photocopy of these documents in case you lose the original ones, you might have a temporary backup. Not to mention, it would be adequate for you to have your COVID vaccination card with you. Although the COVID vaccination card is not an official required document for IGCSE (yet), to access the entry at the examination venue, you might need it.
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