In early 2020, I was cheered up as I was traveling to Thailand from Malaysia with my family. Packings and tickets were done and I couldn't wait to explore the wonderful city of Bangkok.
But, little did I know the world would be soon sent into the "REST MODE". Just 3 odd days before the flight, LOCKDOWN was imposed in Malaysia and all flights were canceled. It felt like the world was about to end as the "COVID" thing just struck our lives.
We all know there was HUGE chaos, fear, and tension to the extent that it felt as if people would be spending the rest of their lives in 16-by-14 feet rooms. In Malaysia, only one member per household was allowed to go out of the house (for groceries, medicine, or bill payments) and nobody could go out of a 10 km radius.
Indeed, that initial COVID period destroyed our physical and mental health. Being someone who always enjoyed traveling, I was stuck at home for straight 3 months with an increase in body weight and a decrease in mental abilities.
I mean how much of PlayStation or Netflix could one use again and again. The time was STOPPED and there was the same scene outside my window; barren, silent, and dusty roads with no people.
~Abandon roads outside home
Anyways, as the peak of covid started to decrease, the Malaysian Government partially lifted the ban on the borders and allowed traveling. Down in the dumps, I straight away booked NEW tickets and this time it was PAKISTAN because I was fed up!
And Yes, I had to book new tickets because the previous tickets of Thailand could NOT be refunded due to the claim of "Thai Airways' bankruptcy during Covid".
Anyhow, as no vaccine shots were being introduced at this time (on a large scale) there was still a huge THREAT because air travel has been named as one of the red-hot-dangerous ways to get COVID.
~At Imigressen Negara to obtain travel Covid advisory certificates/permission
72 hours before the flight, there were COVID tests of my family and we cleared them. Reaching KUALA LUMPUR INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, it felt as if we were at a "Post Apocalyptic" building; full of emptiness, and non-operational sectors.
The airport, which was once used to be full of people, life, with no extra space, now had only a few human beings; standing as far as your eyes to see. Pheww!! It was a terrible sight though. Anyhow, immigration and check-in were completed.
At the airport, we had to fill out a couple of "Surety forms" which stated we would follow QUARANTINE protocols when we would arrive at our destination, Lahore, Pakistan.
Fingers crossed, we soon jumped onto the might Boeing 737. It was strange seeing the crew members wearing white protective gear, but those all were essentially important for our health!
To be honest, they all were looking for more "ASTRONAUTS". Passengers were not allowed to sit next to each other and if due to some reason any passenger would take off their mask, it would trigger a safety hot potato.
So, we all kept our masks on and our hopes high that this COVID-19 would eventually end. Surprisingly, there was NO Food served on the flight, again, the reasons were "covid guidelines".
~In the middle of nowhere
Also, the last nail in the coffin was that there were no operational in-flight screens. These were covered so that nobody could touch and POTENTIALLY transfer Covid through their hands.
The flight was around 7 hours long and at some stage, I started feeling under the weather because I can no longer nibble on the chewing gums. I needed a proper MEAL! Counting minute by minute, these 7 hours passed and the flight was probably the toughest one I've ever taken.
After landing in LAHORE, exit protocols were delayed due to temperature check, COVID TEST, sanitizing bags, etc.
After reaching my old home, Lahore, I was thankful because I did not only survive the exponential rise of the deadly pandemic, but I was lucky enough to come back with somehow OKAY mental health. Traveling during a pandemic was one helluva ride.
~Up above the world so high! That's how the world is like 40,000 meters above the ground.
VERDICT: If you happen to travel in any of the COVID waves, you should ONLY travel when it is necessary or if you are going to COIVD green-zone region. You should not risk your life for the sake of traveling.
So, don't miss out any travel requirement such as vaccination, covid test, etc. Moreover, after 2020, the traveling norms have been changed and you should not be confused by the lengthy airport procedures because they are done to ensure your's & other's safety.
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Its amazing !! You consistently fight with the worst outcomes of covid especially the isolated traveling experiences. Great boy!!