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We all know how serious the issue of plastic is. Plastics manufactured 50 years ago are still floating on the surface of oceans! This is because plastics never decompose (break down) to form other substances. Plastics just turn into "micro-plastics" which are deadlier than the normal plastics due to high toxin levels. Plastics usually are eaten by mammals or fish and when we humans consume them, the elements of plastic become part of our food chain; spreading nothing but toxins.

However, I came across a facility just nearby by my home where plastics are literally "recycled". Interestingly, I never knew this place had ever existed! So, one normal day, I was jogging in the university while my parents were attending their Ph.D. classes. It was the pre-dusk time while I was listening to music on Spotify. It was just a casual Friday evening with most of the students leaving early to spend the weekend with their families. I had never been to the backside of the Ecology Faculty, Universiti Putra Malaysia. That day, I decided to try exploring the unseen side.

As I walked by, I was fascinated by the red lush colors of the "Coca Cola" tents. I was reluctant at first, but I approached those tents. Upon having some talks with the correspondents over there, I got to know about the unique way they recycled the plastics! They would collect around 10 plastic bottles of any size and in return, they would give you a bicycle to ride for an entire day. This initiative was led by some students as their project to conserve the environment. They wanted to spread the message of a simple lifestyle by eliminating plastics and adopting healthy activities like cycling. I was impressed by the aims of those students. Recycling plastics would protect the earth and cycling would protect the humans on earth.

The next day, I collected whatever plastic I had at home. I went to the same facility and got a free bicycle for a day. Now that's what you call grabbing an opportunity! Anyhow, I rode the bicycle and even did groceries. On my way to return the bicycle, I was surrounded by thoughts. This experience made me realize that no matter how much technologically advanced we get, as humans, the true meaning of life lies under the shadow of nature. We shall heed natural lifestyle to bring peace.  

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