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Here are simple ways to avoid the distractions while studying

~Time required to read this blog: 4 minutes

To be honest, everyone reading this blog must have encountered countless distractions during their work time. One distraction is enough to get you out of your zone and it's pretty hard to continue your work, from where you left off. Most of the time, the distractions are UNWANTED. Like, you have just opened up your laptop with aim of utilizing most of your time to complete your assignment. HOWEVER, one Instagram notification comes up, and you tap on it, surf it, and when you close it, you have already lost the majority of your time. In some cases, the distractions are WANTED such as; you suddenly receive the acceptance letter of your dream job or you receive a scholarship notification. Therefore, the wanted distractions are unavoidable, whereas, unwanted distractions are avoidable. In this blog, you will discover simple techniques to avoid distractions. Though these techniques might be simple, it still requires some dedication to follow them properly! 

1-Filter out your working environment

Our working space plays a decisive role in the quality of our work. Let's say you are working on your messy/disorganized study table. Nonetheless, you would still be studying, but the fact is that there are more potential chances of getting distracted. As you are about to focus, your attention gets diverted by the random things on your study table and you would be like: "Hey, what's that fidget spinner doing on my table, let's spin it" or you would be like:  "Let's scribble on this sticky note". This is something that you unconsciously do due to the presence of so many things around your working space. Hence, make sure you just have what you need when you are about to start your working sessions. Organize your working space with the necessary equipment needed and dump what is not needed there on your table. Try to use the minimalistic mindset. You may put on some plants or a water bottle on your working table.

2-Make your work engaging 

The only way you incline towards the distractions is when you start to lose interest in your work. You lose interest when the work is NOT FUN to do. For example, if I'm studying 
" the digestive system " in biology, I do get fed up reading pages after pages, making summarized notes with the least amount of increase in knowledge after spending hours! Due to this, I genuinely get fed up. However, to restore the interest in my work (which would essentially prevent me from distractions), I would make mind maps, question banks, and diagrams which would make my work more interesting without would shifting towards distractions. Also, set "mini-targets" associated with "rewards". Such as; you would treat yourself with Dairy Milk if you complete one assignment in one hour. Therefore, whenever you feel like your work is getting harder to concentrate on and complete, it's better to change the way you tackle your work to make it interesting. 

3-Prioritize your time

You witness endless distractions when you don't know what to do at what time. Let's say, for instance, you have to complete 7 tasks today, but you have not decided when to complete them exactly. You intend to start your work at 9 am, but you start watching Youtube videos while keeping in mind that you still have 12 hours in the day left and you could easily complete your job. However, in reality, you would not be able to finish your tasks at the end of the day. Such types of cases only take place when you don't assign a time slot to complete your tasks and you constantly find yourself trapped in the world of endless distractions. If you specifically know what task to do at what time, you have a proper overview of when to avoid distractions at any cost. 

These are some of the methods, which I follow to avoid distractions. If you want to read more interesting blogs, subscribe to the newsletter (found below the comment section).

Note: The pictures used in the blog are from "" and it is a copyright-free platform to use pictures. 

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  1. Exactly we need to follow such tactics for high arch achievements!


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